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【RCD】久保建英応援スレ part 194【Mallorca】

936 :名無しに人種はない@実況OK (ワッチョイ 8116-xa8R []):2020/04/15(水) 12:54:30 ID:HXVCa6aL0.net

Reply04/14/2020, at 01:55
avatarmamia look
Sergio Barranco

Kubo is much better than those of this age.
And more talented than Asensio, Rodrigo, Vinicius

Reply04/14/2020, at 02:15
avatarJavier Alonso
another overrated

mamia look
Javier Alonso

No he is underrated
In Mallorca, you have to work hard to defend yourself,
I also have teammates who are of low quality.

However, he creates all the dangers and leads the team.
Few players at this age can play at this level.
He is a genius and one of the most talented players in Madrid.


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