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【古橋・前田】Celtic FC 18【旗手・井手口・小林】

882 :名無しに人種はない@実況OK (スップ Sdc2-wIhU []):2023/01/01(日) 15:06:57.43 ID:Boqm+Lddd.net

He said: “When you’re doing business in January, particularly in Europe, then it’s very hard to get it done early.

“Most clubs you’re dealing with try to drag it out to the last day. So you are missing out on a month of football. The Asian leagues all finish up in October or November.

“So if you have an interest there, it means you can do your business before the January window opens. That allows players to come in and contribute.

“Tomoki is not in the country yet. We’re hoping he’ll be here early next week and then he will probably need a couple of weeks of work. Hopefully by the end of the month he’ll be ready. There is no great urgency now for more signings. I’m really pleased with what we have done. I felt we needed to bring two or three in because of what is ahead and what we are trying to build here.

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