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【Gunners】 Arsenal F.C.【part2046】

509 :名無しに人種はない@実況OK (ワッチョイ 87bd-giTb []):2023/02/01(水) 19:16:32.31 ID:7X89q8Gp0.net

💰10 clubs with the most spend in the January transfer window:

1⃣ Chelsea: €363.6m

2⃣ Southampton: €63.25m
3⃣ Arsenal: €60.3m
4⃣ Bournemouth: €56.2m
5⃣ Newcastle: €49.35m
6⃣ Liverpool: €42m
7⃣ Leeds: €41.2m
8⃣ Marseille: €40m
9⃣ Wolves: €38.51m
🔟 Leicester: €31m

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