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400 :名無しに人種はない@実況OK (ワッチョイ bf04-ngqv [2403:6200:88a2:c54b:* [上級国民]]):2024/02/13(火) 01:32:41.18 ID:9omgoc/J0.net

Kalvin Phillips: “When Pep came out and said I was overweight, he was right to do so… but there are different ways to go about it”.

“I did not disagree but obviously it took a big knock on my confidence”.

“My family were not happy about it, either. Especially my mum”.

“People can say overweight like it’s 10kg. I was probably 1.5kg over my weight target…”.

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★