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962 :俺より強い名無しに会いにいく :2018/10/10(水) 13:24:49.84 ID:V8F/IjVL01010.net
Wonkey@Flying_Wonkey 8分8分前
Famitsu cross review (4 people rate it out of 10) for Soul Calibur 6 is out, the game got a total of 33/40. (8,8,9,8)

Quick score comparison:

SCV - 37/40
SC4 - 35/40
SC3 - 36/40
SC2 - 34/40
SoulCalibur - 40/40
Soul Edge/Blade - 34/40
(deleted an unsolicited ad)

総レス数 1001
224 KB

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★