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パックリ英検   【懐メロ洋楽】     

14 :BEST HIT NO NAME                       :2008/06/24(火) 10:29:25 ID:GkCYEU26.net
      ↑ Perfect ! あ、>>10 私にはついてない
A.脳内からです。            嘘、企業秘密です。
 Doya は どだ にかけて。
 Doya ELO と ユートピアVersion あそこらの関係がよくわからないです。
It is a song written by Freddie Mercury and originally recorded by the band Queen
for their 1975 album A Night at the Opera.
The song is in the style of a stream-of-consciousness nightmare,
and has unusual musical structure for popular music
(it has no chorus, instead consisting of seemingly disjunct sections including operatic segments
and an a cappella and heavy metal part).

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