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6 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:04/04/21 11:27 ID:???.net

> 1. Soichiro Koriyama (32); a member of the Japan Revolutionary Communist Leagu e (JRCL),
>Revolutionary Marxist Faction. He has occasionally sold photographs
> to the Asahi Shimbun but is primarily an anti-SDF and anti-U.S. activist and armchair revolutionary.
>He was living in Amman, Jordan prior to his faked kidnapping and was not in Iraq on any assignment.
> 2. Nahoko Takato (34) was living in Amman, Jordan just before her staged kidnapping.
> She had been involved in volunteer work with a Japanese NGO but was not
> associated or working with any NGO in Iraq when she was "captured".
> 3. Noriaki Imai (18), is one of JRCL's newest members and likely the comic side-kick of the group.
> He also stayed in Amman, Jordon prior to the fake kidnapping.
> Next we have the more recently released "Baghdad Two" or B-2.
> 1. Jumpei Yasuda (30) of Iruma, Saitama Prefecture is an anti-SDF and anti-U.S.
> propagandist for JRCL. He often sent stories to the Tokyo Shimbun but was seldom published.
>After Nahoko Takato (LSD-3) faked her kidnapping in Amman, Jordon, Jumepi fabricated a story
> about her helping the poor in Iraq.
>Calling Jumpei a freelance journalist is like me saying I'm a rock star because I can play a few notes
>on a guitar. Jumpei had been a frequent visitor to Iraq and wasa human shield until he discovered
>'human-sheilding might actually be dangerous.
> 2. Nobutaka Watanabe (36) a peace activist and member of JRCL, shared an apartment in Baghdad
> with Jumpei. He has been involved in past activities against the SDF and the U.S. military in Japan.
> Victims or fakers...you decide.

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