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ワンピース専用ネタバレスレッド Part4083

2 :名無しさんの次レスにご期待下さい :2018/11/30(金) 17:14:12.38 ID:+ejEEJJIM.net
919 名無しさんの次レスにご期待下さい (ソラノイロ MMc3-Re/A) sage 2018/11/29(木) 16:29:20.04 ID:QWnUH/CUM

In the cover we can see Law and Chopper studiying in a library with a turtle and a bird with glasses and hats.
- Usopp sees in the street a samurai with the mark of Kozuki Clan, and gives him a paper with Kinemon draw (2 birds, a flame, a snake...) without the samurai realize him.
- Penguin and Shachi do the same with another samurai with the mark of Kozuki Clan. We can see at leats 11 samurai with the mark of Kozuki Clan.
- Nami and Shinobu are spying 2 samurais but they discover them, so Nami and Shinobu escape thanks to Shinobu's kite.
- Sanji has a little soba restaurant, the line to get food is laaarge lol
- In the prison, slaves are carrying big square stones for only a little piece of meal.
- Luffy and Kid moves a lot of gigant stones alone, even with Kairoseki handcuff. They have a gigant bowl with food.
- Hippopotamus guard appear. He's an hippopotamus with a guy with hippopotamus face in the mouth... It's pretty funny.
- Hippopotamus guard is furious with and old man.
- We can see Caribou, he's one of the prisioner.
- Hippopotamus guard swallows Luffy and Kid, but they defeat him from inside.
- Luffy and Kid come out. Luffy holds the old man in his hands.


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