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305 :ナイコンさん:2006/04/27(木) 23:39:23 .net

There's a lot of Japan in the United States, certainly quite a bit of here in San Francisco lots of Japanese products off course too.
From one Japanese export which has not very successfull here has been the Japanese computer.
Why? What have been the problems?
We'll find out the answers to these questions as we take a loot at Japanese computers on this edition of the computer chronicles.

The computer chronicles is brought to you in part by McGraw Hill publishers of pupular computing the magazine that gives readers in the unerstanding of the technology and applications of micro computers and software in the office, home and classroom.

-Welcome to the computer chronicles. I'm Stewart Ghefet and this is Gary Kiloall.
Gary, we've been hearing for three years now about the Japanese threat.
Any minute they are about to invade our shores, take over the PC market
just like they did it in cars, VCRs and cameras and so on, but it hasn't happen yet.
Has that window of oppotunity passed or is it still possible to Japanese could move in?


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