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955 :名無しさんの次レスにご期待下さい (ワッチョイ cf88-GGE9 []):2022/06/17(金) 16:17:06 ID:1zfbKwkP0.net

Even not about the baseball subject, I think I should apologize to you, guys on here for my rudeness, which could have crossed the line.
And I feel a little sorry I might have been from the beginning looked strange, always appeared no manneres, so that all the time not welcomed ?
Of course, I know it can't be true. No one would have been interested in my posts. It would be probably usual they were scrolled up immediately.
but I'm thinking It would be better to clear off all updates, every activity and whole associated factors in store now on this place.
I'm not intending to do any actions here.

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