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OSと言えばコレでしょ!CP/Mスレ ver.2

433 :ナイコンさん:2014/05/03(土) 18:21:24.40 .net
>> しかし、ノベルを引き継いだカルデラ社との DR-DOS および CP/M-86 に関する訴訟では、
>> マイクロソフトがカルデラに対して1億5千万ドルを支払う結果となっている。


> CP/M-86 and DOS[edit]
> DRI's successor Caldera raised these disputes in a 1996 lawsuit, but the case was settled without
> a trial. As a condition of the settlement Microsoft paid Caldera $150 million ($226 million in 2013
> dollars[6]) and Caldera destroyed all documents it had produced in connection with the case.
> Although a costly settlement to Microsoft, this eliminated the most damning evidence of Microsoft's
> anti-trust behaviors, and allowed Microsoft to control and dominate this sector of the marketplace
> without concerns about any further serious competitor.

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