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68k v.s. x86 Round 3

71 :ナイコンさん:2016/04/01(金) 21:31:06.45 .net

Apple software makes heavy use of Objective-C, but the Objective-C
front-end in GCC is a low priority for the current GCC developers. Also,
GCC does not fit smoothly into Apple's IDE.[10] Finally, GCC is GPL
version 3 licensed, which requires developers who distribute extensions for
(or modified versions of) GCC to make their source code available, whereas
LLVM has a BSD-like license[11] which permits including the source in
proprietary software.

Apple chose to develop a new compiler front end from scratch, supporting C,
Objective-C and C++.[10] This "clang" project was open-sourced in July 2007.[12]


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