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究極の8ビット機を妄想するスレ Part 7

201 :ナイコンさん:2019/06/16(日) 15:51:30.16 .net
IBM PCだがさすがにセット価格は高いな

> A basic system for home use attaches to an audio tape cassette player
> and a television set (that means no floppy drives or video monitor)
> sold for approximately $1,565.
> PC-DOS, the operating system, was not available on cassette,
> so this basic system is only capable of running the Microsoft BASIC programming language,
> which is built-in and included with every PC.
> A more typical system for home or school with a memory of 64K bytes,
> a single diskette drive and its own display, was priced around $3,000.
> An expanded system for business with color graphics,
> two diskette drives, and a printer cost about $4,500.

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