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【アンチ】BANANA FISH Part7【内海紘子】

478 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2020/03/01(日) 12:56:44 ID:l7BXQ3Ll0.net

The last days of the endless war in Vietnam.
A young soldier named Griff goes mad, truning his assault rifle on his own unit.
To the survivors he uttents the cryptic words "Banana Fish...I saw it..."

The brutal streets of New York City.
That soldier's little brother is Ash Lynx, 17-year-old gang leader.
A former runaway,
he was "adopted" by the urbane crime lord "Papa" Dino Golzine - raised as his heir, and used as his sex toy.
Now Ash has decided to break free.
He wants to make his own destiny, but instead, his fate appears in a midnight alley,
where an unknown dying man, shot on Dino's orders, hands him a vial.
His last words stagger Ash: "Go see...Banana Fish..."

Ash's plan to exchange himself for his held comrades takes an unexpected turn when Foxx fhoots Golzine.
The scene erupts into as Ash's gang goes toe-to-toe with Foxx's trained commandos.
Just when it seems that Foxx will kill Ash and Sing,
the mortally wounded Golzine squeezes off one deadly drug and its data has failed.
Golzine then plummets from the building into a raging fire.
The club Cod child pornograghy story finally breaks and rocks Washington D.C.
Ash says goodbey to Blanca and resolves to never see Eiji again- But will he?

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